Friday 3 April 2009

Ok, Day 1 and still trying to work out how to do this, if i'm doing it right and how to add photos. Twiddling with the title, adjusting the settings and trying to get it right! (thanks Dad).

Also crammed around my room, and saying that, my house, is bits of craft and art that I have partially finished by not fully completed (that is so typical of me)!!!!

A bit about me to start you off.... I love anything crafty; knitting, crochet, wet felting, needle felting, jewellery making, resin beads..... basically making things that i think look cool!

I am attempting to post my experiments, success's and disasters. And hopefully blog my route from here to amazing success doing "homemade stuff for sale". Ha, we will see.x


  1. Woo hoo... welcome to blogland. I wish you much success and can't wait to see some of your crafty goodness. Love, Sam xxx
